Boundary Commission publishes consultation responses

The Boundary Commission for Wales has published the representations it received during its Secondary Consultation Period on Wales’s proposed new constituencies.

The Commission received 156 written representations during the Secondary Consultation Period and heard oral evidence from 81 participants at the 5 Public Hearings held across Wales.

The consultation opened on 17 February 2022 with a Public Hearing held in Cardiff and closed on 30 March 2022 with the final Public Hearing taking place on the same day in Aberystwyth.

Those giving evidence to the Secondary Consultation were asked to respond to representations made during the Initial Consultation Period so that the Commission could develop a deeper understanding of the issues across Wales ahead of finalising their Revised Proposals, to be published in the autumn.

The Public Hearings were led by the Commission’s panel of Assistant Commissioners, Steven Phillips, Andrew Clemes, Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, and Dr Arun Midha.

Representations were received from across Wales, with speakers giving evidence at all 5 Public Hearings.

The first Public Hearing, in Cardiff was the best attended, with 25 speakers and 48 observers present.

Wrexham saw 10 speakers and 21 observers. Swansea had the highest number of speakers, at 28 and saw 33 observers. In Bangor there were 6 speakers and 15 observers, and in Aberystwyth there were 12 speakers and 16 observers.

Secretary to the Boundary Commission for Wales, Shereen Williams MBE OStJ said: “We’d like to take this opportunity once again to thank everyone who submitted their views during the Secondary consultation period.

“The Assistant Commissioners have been considering the evidence received and have now submitted their report on the representations to the Commission.

“The Commission is now considering all the evidence and plans to publish its Revised Proposals in the Autumn.

“At the beginning of this Review the Commission made it clear that proposals would change based on the representations received during our multiple consultations.

“When the Revised Proposals are published there will be a further opportunity for the public to have their say and affect the proposals before our Final Recommendations are submitted to Parliament.”

The published representations can be found here: